Running Gait Analysis

Learn how to optimize your run form so you can run better and faster, without pain.

Observation and analysis of your running form can give SO much insight into what’s going on with your body, including your strength, coordination, endurance.

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Rachel running, 31 weeks pregnant, hip drop present

Are you running the way you want to?

You want to just go out for a run. It's your release. It's your "me" time. But you have this "thing" that just won't let you run like you want to. You can't run as often. You can't run as fast or as far as you want. Maybe you have to stop and walk. You sometimes even feel worse after your runs. It's so frustrating!

Running on your terms

Learn about your running form and how it's affecting your current issues. Then, learn how to FIX it. Based on your analysis, you'll get tips on improving your run form AND you'll receive personalized recommendations that will further help get your running back on track.

Rachel running pushing double stroller

This is Megan McClure's Story

A mother of two and avid sports player, Megan came to me with knee pain and leaking issues. Her fitness seemed to plateau and she couldn't play with her kids like she wanted to.

Over the course of just 4 sessions, we worked on Megan’s breathing, muscle coordination and her exercise form. The results were amazing!

Her knee pain resolved

She did a 5k and her running felt great

She no longer experienced leaking

She finally felt the “right” muscles firing when she did her body building work outs, like her lower abs and her glutes

I know how devastating it is to not be able to run like you want to.

With this running gait analysis, you'll get a full assessment of your run form, tips on how to improve it, as well as recommendations on how to target areas identified as needing a little extra TLC. After you sign up, you'll receive instructions on how to best video yourself running. After Rachel receives your video(s) and does her analysis, she'll meet with you virtually one-on-one to review your results and give you her professional recommendations.

You can expect to:

Learn what's going on with your run form

Learn how to improve your form and address your current symptoms so you can get back to running on YOUR terms

Learn how your form is impacting your pain, discomfort, injury or, for women, pelvic floor issues (like prolapse or leaking)

This is right for you if...

You are dealing with an injury or pain

You can't seem to increase your running frequency, pace or mileage without pain or discomfort

You're a mom dealing with symptoms like leaking, prolapse, ab separation, lower ab soreness, pelvic or back pain

Rachel with her two kids in the stroller

Run on your own schedule

Go for that long run. Pick up your speed. Run two days in a row. Be able to focus on your playlist, your mileage or just your feet on the pavement (or trail). Just get out there and do your thing!
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